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Positive Parenting Tips: Adolescence (15–17 years old) | Child Development | CDC

CDC's Adolescent and School Mental ... to good adolescent mental health. CDC's Parent Information (Teens 12— 19) has information to help you learn how to guide your teen to be safe and become a healthy and productive adult. CDC's Healthy Weight Information has tips and ideas ... CDC's Adolescent and School Mental Health can help you learn how connection is key to good adolescent mental health. CDC's Parent Information (Teens 12— 19) has information to help you learn how to guide your teen to be safe and become a healthy and productive adult. CDC's Healthy Weight Information has tips and ideas for parents to help children maintain a healthy weight.Positive parenting tips and resources for middle childhood aged children (15–17)American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Guide has many fact sheets for parents on child and adolescent health and development. My Plate by The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides information on health and nutrition for teens.National Institute of Mental Health has information on mental disorders affecting children and adolescents, including anxiety and depression. provides information from various government agencies on how children, parents, educators and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) works to improve the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, alcohol and drug addiction treatment, and mental health services. Teens Health site for information on healthy eating for children and teenagers, safety tips for your child when you can't be there, and other important health and safety topics.


Mort de Liam Payne : « Une partie de notre adolescence s’est éteinte avec lui », pleurent nos lecteurs

Les fans se rappellent de One Direction avec beaucoup de nostalgie pour une époque révolue Au-delà de simples chanteurs, les One Direction représentaient une échappatoire, une sorte de « safeplace » pour les adolescentes face aux difficultés de cet âge.« Souvent moquée et sans beaucoup d’amis, les One Direction étaient pour moi la lumière dans l’obscurité au collège, confie Clémentine. Je me suis accrochée à leur musique et grâce à eux, j’ai traversé ces années difficiles. » « Les One Direction étaient une véritable safeplace pour les adolescentes de ma génération, complète Nora.


Growing Up Strict: How Harsh Discipline Affects Growth and Development

We recommend Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim’s books Talking About Adolescence: Book 1: Anxiety, Depression, and Adolescent Mental Health and Book 2: Talking About Adolescence: Book 2: Supercharge Your Body and Brain Power. How To Stop Arguing With Your Teen: 10 Tips For Parents Parenting Teens Means Learning to Love Hard When They're Hard to Love · Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim is the author of the “Talking About Adolescence” series. She is passionate about promoting mental health awareness and helping teens live happy and fulfilling lives. For more, visit Get tips, advice and tons of support and encouragement to help you be a better, stronger and more confident parent to your tweens and teens.The negative effects of harsh, strict discipline are vast. This parenting style harms relationships and has long-term consequences.This finding has sparked a vast interest in studying adolescent brain growth, particularly in relation to typical mood swings, risk-seeking behavior, and impulsivity during the teenage years. It is important to understand that the discord between parents and teens often stems from adolescent brains not functioning like fully developed adult brains.Some key points from research suggest that children may develop high ambition and achievement, self-discipline, and respect for rules and order. · However, there are some negative consequences. According to psychological studies, harsh parenting practices, often referred to as authoritarian parenting, can have significant implications for a teenager’s mental health.

Discipline Strategies for Teens That Really Work

Managing teenage behavior can be a challenge sometimes, but certain strategies can help. But first, it's important to understand the common challenges teenagers face and how to step into their world. Even while the goal of raising teens may be to develop their autonomy, it’s important to keep an eye out for mental health issues, such as: ... Consequences, rather than punishments, are an effective way to influence your child's behavior and teach key skills that may be lagging, says Dr. Reynolds. Here are some tips for disciplining teenagers.It's also important to be flexible and willing to rethink your limits as your teen matures. Your relationship should be changing into a more collaborative one, where you still hold the final word. With those tips in mind, you can also choose some specific disciplinary strategies for teens that might work for your family.Typical teen behavior varies quite a bit, but you may see the following: ... The sometimes tumultuous changes of adolescence are a normal part of growing up.Teens like to test the limits of their independence, explains Caroline Fulton, PsyD, a child and adolescent psychologist at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield, Illinois.


Parenting teenagers | Top Ten Tips for parents and families | Parenting across Scotland

Most parents and families have a hard time with their teenage sons and daughters at some point. Knowing this doesn’t make the ups and downs any easier to handle. Our ten top tips might help to smooth the way. Giving encouragement and taking an interest in your teenager is as important as praising them. Praise them for their efforts and let them know when they do something that pleases you. Don't be afraid to tell them that you love them, even if you get no response. ... Let them know that you've made mistakes and tell them some of the things that you would do differently if you had the chance. Let them learn from the consequences of their actions - don't protect them too much. ... Parents today have a difficult job to do but parents don't need to be perfect.Being a parent isn't always easy. The teenage years can be particularly difficult as teenagers may behave like adults one minute and children the next.Don't expect teenagers to agree with everything you say. The teenage years are a time of testing opinions and people. Sometimes parents and teenagers have to agree to differ.Teenagers say that their parents do not listen to them. Let your teenager know that you have time to talk. Share your values with them but don't impose them.


How to discipline your child the smart and healthy way | UNICEF Parenting

Being consistent is a key factor in positive parenting, which is why following through with the consequences is important. And so is making them realistic. “You can take a teenager's phone away for an hour but taking it away for a week might be difficult to follow through on.” There comes a time when every parent struggles with how best to discipline their child. Whether dealing with a screaming toddler or an angry teen, it can be hard to control your temper.Being consistent is a key factor in positive parenting, which is why following through with the consequences is important. And so is making them realistic. “You can take a teenager's phone away for an hour but taking it away for a week might be difficult to follow through on.”We consulted Lucie Cluver, Oxford University professor of Child and Family Social Work and mother of two young boys, to explore how the approach can help parents build positive relationships with their children and teach skills like responsibility, cooperation and self-discipline.Rather than punishment and what not to do, the positive discipline approach puts an emphasis on developing a healthy relationship with your child and setting expectations around behaviour. The good news for every parent is it works and here’s how you can start putting it into practice:


Parenting Teens: Discipline, Love, Rules & Expectations

Teens also vary in the rate and ... for discipline, guidance, love and support will vary throughout their teenage years. In the next section we provide some guidelines for parents to help them figure out how to provide direction and boundaries to their adolescents of all ages ... Teens also vary in the rate and speed that they develop self-discipline and good decision-making skills so their needs for discipline, guidance, love and support will vary throughout their teenage years. In the next section we provide some guidelines for parents to help them figure out how to provide direction and boundaries to their adolescents of all ages without interfering too much, or too little.Discover how parents can strike the right balance between love, discipline, independence, and responsibility when raising teenagers. This balance is crucial for their security, value, and resilience. Get guidelines for providing support and guidance without being overprotective.Discipline, if it is excessive and harsh, can become controlling and abusive while a lack of discipline is a type of neglect. Meanwhile, independence and freedom without responsibility can place youth in highly dangerous situations. To complicate things further, the correct balance constantly changes as youth continue to mature throughout their adolescent period. When parents strike the right balance of love with discipline, liberties with limitations, and independence with responsibility, adolescents feel secure, valued, and loved.Sometimes it is tempting to think of adolescent children as mini-adults who no longer require the same degree of parental support and direction as they once did when they were younger; but, this would be an erroneous conclusion. In fact, during early and middle adolescence, youth may need even more emotional support, guidance, and discipline than their younger siblings.


Discipline Strategies for Teens That Really Work

Managing teenage behavior can be a challenge sometimes, but certain strategies can help. But first, it's important to understand the common challenges teenagers face and how to step into their world. Even while the goal of raising teens may be to develop their autonomy, it’s important to keep an eye out for mental health issues, such as: ... Consequences, rather than punishments, are an effective way to influence your child's behavior and teach key skills that may be lagging, says Dr. Reynolds. Here are some tips for disciplining teenagers.It's also important to be flexible and willing to rethink your limits as your teen matures. Your relationship should be changing into a more collaborative one, where you still hold the final word. With those tips in mind, you can also choose some specific disciplinary strategies for teens that might work for your family.Typical teen behavior varies quite a bit, but you may see the following: ... The sometimes tumultuous changes of adolescence are a normal part of growing up.Teens like to test the limits of their independence, explains Caroline Fulton, PsyD, a child and adolescent psychologist at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield, Illinois.


Parenting the Teen Years: Strategies for Effective Discipline and Connection

Discover effective strategies to handle teenage behavior with our comprehensive guide on consequences and punishments. Learn how to navigate the challenges of disciplining a teenager and foster a respectful relationship with practical insights for parents. Melanie creates blog posts, articles, and long-form content on a wide range of subjects, specializing in parenthood and wellness. Her short fiction regularly appears in magazines and podcasts in the UK, the USA, Canada and Australia ... Whether you have a teen in the household already or want to be prepared for the future, the question of how to discipline a teenager may be on your mind.Below, we take a deep dive into the best discipline strategies for teens and ways to promote the sort of two-way respect that leads to a peaceful, happy home. Why are the Teenage Years So Challenging? Typical Teen Behaviors and the Reasons Behind Them ... It’s fair to say that the teen years represent a particularly challenging time for parents.Read also: Things No One Tells You About Parenting a Teenager. Let’s start by saying that discipline for teenagers should never involve physical punishments, or serve to humiliate the child.Whether it’s changing the rules around their curfew, or access to devices, be ready to make alterations as necessary. This is also a great way to show your teen that you respect them, and recognize their growing maturity. ... As parents, addressing the challenges of disciplining teenagers in the digital age can be perplexing.


How To Discipline A Depressed Teenager And Help Them

Adolescence is a period of unique growth and development, making teenagers more vulnerable to mental health problems when they experience physical, emotional, and social changes. There are 13 strategies to help parents discipline and support a teenager grappling with depression, including setting ... Adolescence is a period of unique growth and development, making teenagers more vulnerable to mental health problems when they experience physical, emotional, and social changes. There are 13 strategies to help parents discipline and support a teenager grappling with depression, including setting clear goals, reflecting on priorities, using inductive discipline, building relationships, improving sleep habits, encouraging physical activities, and more.If your teenager is in immediate danger, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. ... How can we improve it? This article contains incorrect information This article doesn't have what I'm looking for ... Patrick RB, Gibbs JC. Inductive Discipline, Parental Expression of Disappointed Expectations, and Moral Identity in Adolescence.During adolescence, teens are more susceptible to depression due to rapid growth and brain changes. Find out how to support them.Discipline is most effective when it focuses on education and guidance rather than punishment. Not punishing doesn’t mean your teen gets a “free pass” for misbehavior. Teaching through understanding, patience, and love often proves to be far more effective. A study conducted by Ohio State University in 2012 supports this approach, finding that teenagers whose parents practiced inductive discipline, which involves reasoning and discussion, exhibit higher moral identity and more prosocial behavior.


Parenting Teens: Discipline, Love, Rules & Expectations

Teens also vary in the rate and ... for discipline, guidance, love and support will vary throughout their teenage years. In the next section we provide some guidelines for parents to help them figure out how to provide direction and boundaries to their adolescents of all ages ... Teens also vary in the rate and speed that they develop self-discipline and good decision-making skills so their needs for discipline, guidance, love and support will vary throughout their teenage years. In the next section we provide some guidelines for parents to help them figure out how to provide direction and boundaries to their adolescents of all ages without interfering too much, or too little.Discover how parents can strike the right balance between love, discipline, independence, and responsibility when raising teenagers. This balance is crucial for their security, value, and resilience. Get guidelines for providing support and guidance without being overprotective.Discipline, if it is excessive and harsh, can become controlling and abusive while a lack of discipline is a type of neglect. Meanwhile, independence and freedom without responsibility can place youth in highly dangerous situations. To complicate things further, the correct balance constantly changes as youth continue to mature throughout their adolescent period. When parents strike the right balance of love with discipline, liberties with limitations, and independence with responsibility, adolescents feel secure, valued, and loved.Sometimes it is tempting to think of adolescent children as mini-adults who no longer require the same degree of parental support and direction as they once did when they were younger; but, this would be an erroneous conclusion. In fact, during early and middle adolescence, youth may need even more emotional support, guidance, and discipline than their younger siblings.

Tips for Coaching Teens to Recognize and Manage Emotions | Essentials for Parenting Teens | CDC

Learn more about coaching teens to recognize and manage emotions. An important part of your relationship with your teen is helping them notice and manage their emotions. Adolescence is a time of many physical, social, and emotional changes. Teen brains are developing rapidly, and their bodies are experiencing hormone increases.It's probably going to take some practice for you both to notice and identify the emotions your teen is feeling. Be kind to yourselves as you try things out. It's common for parents to find themselves getting upset and reacting negatively to something their teen says or does.When you are calm, you can better help your teen with their emotions. Try not to take your teen's emotions and behaviors personally. Remember that they are part of your teen's experiences and development and not a reflection of your abilities as a parent or caregiver.After watching the Emotion Coaching Teens video and reading the information on this webpage, explore the activities from the Emotion Coaching Teens worksheet. Print it, write on it, type notes on your phone, or just take a few moments to quietly reflect on the questions. ... Essentials for Parenting Teens is a free resource for parents and caregivers of kids aged 11 to 17, providing strategies to build safe, nurturing relationships.

Positive Parenting Techniques with Teens - Teens & Tweens - Discipline -

Ask if she wants your suggestions before you offer them. These tips help with everyday communication, but they are even more important when conflicts come along. Calm, consistent, connected communication helps build a stronger relationship with your child and will help when it comes time to ... Adolescence is filled with opportunities to learn and grow, and so is parenting adolescents. No one gets it right all the time, so give yourself a break when a teen discipline strategy doesn't go well.Establish rules and connect and communicate with your rebellious teen by using our positive parenting techniques. offers resources to help parents, caregivers, childcare providers, community members, companies, and organizations give our children hope for a brighter future.The Get Parenting Tips website offers expert advice and resources to help parents and caregivers give our children hope for a brighter future.Acknowledging her feelings and offering your support is a great form of positive parenting. Ask if she wants your suggestions before you offer them. These tips help with everyday communication, but they are even more important when conflicts come along. Calm, consistent, connected communication helps build a stronger relationship with your child and will help when it comes time to discipline your teen.


Positive discipline for pre-teens & teens | Raising Children Network

A positive approach to discipline for pre-teens and teens includes communication, relationships and agreed limits. It guides teens towards positive behaviour. On top of this the teenage brain goes through massive growth and development during adolescence. As a result, teenagers try new things but don’t always make good decisions. They’re more influenced by peers.You can talk with your child about your agreement and hear what they think should happen as a consequence of breaking it. Often teenagers will be much harsher than their parents.To check whether your family rules are realistic and reasonable, you could talk with other parents who have children of the same age.A positive approach to discipline helps pre-teens and teenagers:


Parenting Teenagers: Discipline, Communication, and More

How do you breach the barriers of adolescence? Here are 10 parenting tips for raising teenagers. The teen years bring plenty of parenting challenges.They must be teenagers. Don't despair. It's natural -- and important -- for kids to break away from their parents at this age. This emotional separation allows them to become well-adjusted adults. Yet these must be among the most difficult years for any parent. To help with parenting tips, WebMD turned to three national experts:When kids see them, see how their friends act with their parents, they can get a better sense of those friends," Elkind tells WebMD. "It's the old adage, you catch more bears with honey than vinegar. If you flatly say, you can't go out with those kids, it often can backfire -- it just increases the antagonism." 4. Decide rules and discipline in advance."If it's a two-parent family, it's important for parents to have their own discussion, so they can come to some kind of agreement, so parents are on the same page," says Bobrow. Whether you ban them from driving for a week or a month, whether you ground them for a week, cut back on their allowance or Internet use -- whatever -- set it in advance. If the kid says it isn't fair, then you have to agree on what is fair punishment. Then, follow through with the consequences. 5. Discuss 'checking in.' "Give teens age-appropriate autonomy, especially if they behave appropriately," says Kaslow.


The #1 Parenting Tip to Change Rebellious Teens | Psychology Today

Teens need calm, firm discipline in order to thrive during adolescence. Learn how to be his success ambassador. Frustrated parents go with angry teens like Labrador pups go with Clydesdale horses in Super Bowl commercials. And your story can have a happy ending, too. The secret formula lies in effective discipline.If you master a few core principles for setting rules like a boss, your teen will be a lot easier to manage. But first you need to understand the roots of her rebellion... As a rookie therapist, I was taught that adults from overly strict or overly permissive households generally want to raise their children in the opposite manner in which they were raised. The problem is both dynamics lead to black-and-white parenting. For example, if your folks were overly strict and/or harsh with discipline, it's not uncommon to rebel against rules, or become anti-authority when raising kids of your own.This parent overcompensates by indulging and doing everything for her teen. But without room to explore and make mistakes, Sara doesn't learn to problem solve and become independent. ... Reboot your parenting template. And sometimes this means starting anew with a fresh, clean, discipline slate.Call the host's parents and verify there's adult supervision, ask him to repeat the drinking rule, drive him to the party and/or pick him up, check his breath when the party's over. ... But the tantrum will be temporary. Teens crave structure, especially the defiant kids. They need to know there's a safety net to counter the lack of control they feel internally. Disciplining teens entails untold amounts of time, energy and grunt work.


Téléphone portable : un mouvement venu d'Espagne pousse des parents à promouvoir une "adolescence sans mobile"

En Espagne, un débat extraordinaire va se tenir cette semaine autour de l'addiction des adolescents aux portables. Un débat porté par un mouvement de parents d'élèves qui s'insurgent contre le manque de contrôle des autorités. En France et en Europe, un adolescent sans portable, est-ce que ça existe encore ? Disons qu'il y a des exceptions qui confirment cette règle, généralisée mais non écrite, qui veut qu’aujourd’hui un adolescent ne peut plus vivre sans téléphone portable.Le téléphone portable n’est pas qu’un objet et les parents d'adolescents se sentent démunis. Ce mouvement citoyen espagnol est en train de prendre une dimension politique. Face à cette pression des parents, le Conseil scolaire, un organisme rattaché au gouvernement catalan, va organiser cette semaine un débat extraordinaire.La loi pour la majorité numérique, promulguée en juillet dernier, devait permettre de renforcer les obligations des plateformes envers les moins de 15 ans. Ce texte constituait enfin une petite avancée pour protéger les adolescents, mais cette loi a du plomb dans l’aile.

Teenagers | Parenting | Positive Discipline

An excerpt from the Positive Discipline for Teenagers book by Dr. Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott. REMEMBER WHEN YOUR teen was a baby just learning to walk? What a milestone. You didn‘t want to miss any of it, and you were very supportive and encouraging. You would take her little hands in yours ... An excerpt from the Positive Discipline for Teenagers book by Dr. Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott. REMEMBER WHEN YOUR teen was a baby just learning to walk? What a milestone. You didn‘t want to miss any of it, and you were very supportive and encouraging. You would take her little hands in yours and start walking along with her—but you knew you had to let go in order for her to walk by herself.Your toddling child is now a teen who's learning to be an adult. Adolescence is an important part of the individuation process. How does parenting change?ADOLESCENCE IS AN important part of the individuation process. During this time, teens try to find out who they are and separate from their parents. The problem is that most parents tend to do many things during this time that make situations worse instead of better.It is also a time when you can explore your own unresolved teen issues. Every chapter in this book has such valuable information that it was difficult to decide which chapters should be at the beginning. We thought all of the chapters warranted at least first or second status. Therefore, read the chapters in any order that appeals to you, because all of them will help you retrain yourself so you can parent your teen more effectively—and with perspective.


14 Tips Disciplining a 2-Year-Old

Even the best parents struggle with how to discipline their toddlers. Follow these simple strategies for setting and enforcing boundaries with your 2-year-old. While past methods of child discipline commonly included corporal punishments like spanking, many of today's parents are interested in more gentle and positive methods. And experts say that they're probably on the right track.As the American Psychological Association explains, positive discipline methods for toddlers are not only effective, but they also can help both parents and children with their emotions, communication, and even self-esteem and confidence.The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) explains that effective developmentally appropriate disciplinary strategies can help with cognitive, socioemotional, and executive functioning skills, as well as emotional and behavioral regulation.It's all part of what Denver-based family nurse practitioner Linda Pearson, DNSc, MSN, ARNP, BC, FAANP, calls "being a good boss." Nobody said being a good boss, especially to a toddler, would be easy, but here are 14 strategies to help you learn how to effectively discipline a 2-year-old.

How to Discipline Teens: 10 Tips for Parents

In conclusion, the best way to discipline a teenager is with consistency, clarity, and love. Therefore, teens learn to think for themselves while also developing the ability to minimize risk and make good choices. At Newport Academy, we see parents as the solution, not the problem. In other words, teens don’t have the wisdom or skills yet to make their own decisions about every aspect of their lives. That’s where parents come in. Parents can work with teens to establish clear rules and agreed-upon consequences when rules are broken. Ultimately, loving but firm teen discipline supports adolescent mental health.In order for teen discipline to work, communication and negotiation are necessary. To begin with, parents and teens work well together when they respect each other’s thoughts and opinions. Moreover, children need to feel accepted and loved no matter what. Therefore, parents must make it clear that it’s okay to make mistakes, starting when they are a young child and continuing into adolescence.That’s why the parent’s role is to teach their teen to gather information, think critically, and make good decisions as they grow into a young adult. Ultimately, the goal of teen discipline is to help adolescents develop positive, healthy habits and behaviors.In conclusion, the best way to discipline a teenager is with consistency, clarity, and love. Therefore, teens learn to think for themselves while also developing the ability to minimize risk and make good choices. At Newport Academy, we see parents as the solution, not the problem. We know that as the parent-child connection grows stronger, teen mental health improves. Attachment-Based Family Therapy, the foundational modality for our approach to adolescent treatment, is designed to repair ruptures in the parent-child relationship and restore trust.
